Graduate Student Research Achievements Site
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> OGAWA Masahiro
(Last updated : 2025-01-29 12:42:54)
OGAWA Masahiro
Department / Course
Ritsumeikan University Graduate School Graduate School of Science and Engineering Major in Advanced Electrical,Electronic and Computer Systems
Academic conference attendance and presentation
Graduate Students' Project and Research Society
Graduate Students' Project and Research Society Link
Study Abroad and Overseas Travel History
Internship History
Other Research Achievements
Teaching Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Fellowships for Young Scientists
Desired Course
Free Entry
Internal Scholarship and Research Grants receiving status
Self and Research introduction
External Scholarship and Research Grants receiving status
Academic conference attendance and presentation
Predicting multiple aspects of plant growth using a single model (2024 International workshop on nonlinear circuits, communications and signal processing (NCSP2024))
Validation of plant growth prediction using long short-term memory (International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA2023))
Plant growth prediction method for plant factories using LSTM algorithm (International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers, and Communications)