Academic conference attendance and presentation
How will the rise in demand for long-term care affect the future greenhouse gases and workforce in an aging society?
(EcoBalance 2024)
Analysis of supply chain social and environmental impacts of increasing demand for long-term care
(The 19th Meeting of the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan)
Quantifying lifestyle-related greenhouse gas emissions of households with people certified for long-term care
Quantifying lifestyle-related greenhouse gas emissions of households with people certified for long-term care
(Society of Environmental Science, Japan 2023 Annual Meeting)
Uncovering the household carbon footprint of people certified for long-term care in Japan
(The 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology)
Analyzing the structure of household carbon footprint on people certified for long-term care and support needed
(The 18th Meeting of the Institute of Life Cycle Assessment, Japan)